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MS, the meaning of the sentence;
PE, the proposition expressed; and
PM, the proposition meant.
Neale, 1990 p. 75
What are the meanings of sentences?
Why suppose that sentences have meanings?
facts to be explained
If someone utters a sentence and you understand her, then you will likely understand others when they utter that sentence. And conversely.
If a sentence is used to communicate something in one situation, then it can typically be used to communicate much the same thing in another situation.
attempted explanation
There are some things and nearly every sentence is related to a different thing.
Communicators often know which thing is related to which sentence.
This knowledge (is part of what) enables them to understand utterances of those sentences.
Call these things ‘meanings’.
What (if anything) are these meaning things?
And what is this relation between the meanings and the sentences?
The meaning of a sentence is a function from contexts of utterance to propositions.
Ex: Take ‘I have had breakfast’ and a context of utterance in which Ayesha utters it. The meaning of this sentence takes this context of utterance to the proposition that Ayesha had breakfast.
‘entities such as meanings ...
are not of independent interest’
Davidson, 1974 p. 154
MS, the meaning of the sentence;
PE, the proposition expressed; and
PM, the proposition meant.
Neale, 1990 p. 75
facts to be explained
[Systematicity] ‘there are definite and predictable patterns among the sentences [utterances of which] we understand’(Szabó, 2004).
[Productivity] communicators can understand utterances of an indefinitely large range of sentences we have never heard before.
attempted explanation
Words have meanings (which are their senses).
[Compositionality] The meaning of a sentence (and of any complex expression) is fully determined by its structure and the meanings of its constituent words.
I have had breakfast.
I have had a kidney removed.
I have had fermented fish for breakfast.
I have had a great evening.
Among utterances of these sentences,
there can be is variation in the PM
although Compositionality does not permit corresponding variation in MS.
Given that MS is a function from contexts of utterance to propositions,
the values of this function will not typically be a PM.
Terminology: Call the value of MS in a given context of utterance the ‘proposition expressed (PE)’.
MS + context of utterance ---yields---> PE
MS, the meaning of the sentence;
PE, the proposition expressed; and
PM, the proposition meant.
Neale, 1990 p. 75
What is the relation between PE and PM?
MS + context of utterance ---yields---> PE
PE + ??? ---yields---> PM